Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Let's Go To The Fair!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a fair edition of The Oz Files. So today's topic was chosen through twitter tweet tweet. Oz just asks what food blog do you want to see @lynziloo replies fair food so yes we are doing fair food today. So today's blog is going to cover food at the fair, What is my favorite fair food? What is the worst fair food? What is my favorite beverage at the fair? What is my favorite thing about the fair a little off topic yep? Finally what do I think of the prices of fair food? Every year families across this great nation gather to the county and state fairs. You have the rides, entertainment oh and my favorite the FOOD! There are several food venues at the fair. You can basically get any food you want you ask and you shall receive. I like the pizza, Chinese, elephant ears, funnel cakes, subway and the list goes on and on. I almost broke out in song with the lamb chop play a long song it's the song that never ends! Ha, well to answer the first question what is my favorite food of the fair? The answer is simple friends the one the only strawberry funnel cake. This isn't a debate this is the truth that Oz has sent down to this blog universe. A funnel cake powdered sugar, fresh strawberries, whip cream ohhhhhhhhh so tasty! I had two of them in the same day what a rush that was! Can there actually be a bad tasting food of the fair? I don't think so there are different strokes for different folks a shout out to Gary Coleman whatchya talkin about lews! What is my favorite beverage of the fair? That's an easy one the bottomless lemonade oh my goodness way too solid for my own good. What is my favorite part about the fair? I think my favorite part of the fair is eating the great food and watching the terrible bands perform! I don't think they know they are way off tune. What do I think of the prices of food at the fair? The food is reasonably prices and you get bang for your buck. The food is tasty and so is the "scenery" lots of good grade A "talent"! Well I haven't been to the fair in awhile but I'm sure the food rivals Pig Out At The Park so that's what I went by. What do you think of food of the fair? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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