Saturday, May 23, 2009

Leftovers A Plenty!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a leftovers edition of The Oz Files! Today is the last day of the food themed week so I'm going with none other than leftovers. What are the best leftovers to devour and partake? How long is too long before leftovers have to go to the garbage disposal in the sky? What are some of the worst leftovers to devour and partake? How many days of the same leftovers can be tolerated? Finally would you ever mix leftovers with fresh food? For starters how great are leftovers? Seriously leftovers are amazing because you can eat the night before and if you get full you don't have to throw food away you can just save it and have more the next couple days. It's a food saver some people are make the world green and I'm like um save me some food it's called food conservation. In my opinion the best leftovers without a shadow of a doubt is leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. You can make turkey sandwiches, use the turkey for soup or enjoy turkey in it's natural form. Is there really any bad leftovers? The answer is yes there is some pizza that isn't good after the first day. Example the panormous pizza from pizza hut is only good for a few hours then it goes Stale and I usually get sick so I don't have the pizza after 1 day of ordering so you better down that pizza down on that first day or else your in for a torcher chamber. How many days are leftovers good for? It all depends what the food is but in most cases a good rule of thumb is no longer than three days. If you go over the three day mark then you might be in trouble. Finally can you really combine leftovers with fresh food? Well I'm sure you can but my take on it is don't do it because you might ruin the chemistry with the old and the young. Well these are my thoughts and concerns on leftovers! What do you think about leftovers? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!


  1. Best leftovers would have to be chinese! YUMMO!! But I would have to disagree with you about mixing leftovers with new stuff, cause bbq chicken in a salad can be a wonderful dinner the next night!


  2. ha ha Chineese leftovers aren't good I just had the other night not good at all but chicken is good in salad for sho
