Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Cat Story For All Ages!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a cat story edition of The Oz Files. This weeks blog theme is none other than the great animal kingdom. Today's blog topic may take us back to elementary school the good ole days can ya dig? So Leah and her mickey mouse ears hat came up with the topic tonight. I come home from work and my cats start talking to moi. How surprising would that be? What would I talk about with my cats? Would I try to make my cats famous? Oz walks through the door and he sees his two cats jazzy and pistol and usually he sees them meowing endlessly however this night was not like all other nights. When Oz sat down to watch Sportscenter the cats starting to talk in a language that even Oz could comprehend. It wasn't southern drawl and it wasn't prepaid talk it was none other than the English language. They were saying Ozzie why do you always chase around the house? My reaction was jaw dropping and a little confused to see why these cats found the inner power to talk like humans. I told them because I like to scare them and make them get a good workout. How surprising would it be to hear cats talking to you like real people? First off I would wonder how on God's green earth did this happen? Also, why did they choose this day to start talking to me and is this a temporary thing or is this miraculous sign a permanent thing. What would I talk to my cats about? First off I'd talk to Pistol and ask him why he keeps pooping on the floor? He's been doing this for the past few years and he has been potty trained he's an old cat. We would also talk about if he enjoys it when I pull on his tail once in a while and why does he meow constantly? As for Jazzy the cute younger one I would ask her why she meows for no reason? Also why does she play in the cat litter? Would I make my cats famous? Hmm I'd probably put them on Youtube and then get national press coming my way for these amazing cats. Then I'd hit the road and these cats would go on the road and go on a comedy tour and then a music tour. That's right dudes and dudets they are multi talented they can do stand up comedy and they can sing like there owner! So there ya have it these are the thoughts of Oz on the cats. What do you think of these cats? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!