Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Family Campout EPIC Times!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a camping edition of The Oz Files! So the Oz Files is back after a bit of a hiatus but we are back and we are lock and loaded so let's lock it in folks! So this week there is no theme but we will have random subject for all our peeps! Yes I said our peeps Leah has her peeps too but I think she loves her some Michael Jackson music RIP! So tonight's topic straight from Leah from Bakersfield, California USA is she wants to hear all about my camping trip experience over the weekend. Okay babes and gents this is going to blow your minds and you may need some Kleenex because there might be some teary eyes from laughing so hard. So we had a family camp out at Lake Rosavelt from Thursday to Sunday over the July 4th weekend. It was yours truly, my mom, two uncles, an aunt, four cousins and my uncles friend Dwayne his wife and there two kids and my cousin Amanda's good looking friend Emily! Now two of my cousins came up on Saturday so it was a fantastic time and we will start off the activities that went down on Thursday. My mom and I got there and we hopped on the boat and headed over with my uncle Rich over to our secluded lagoon. I put up my new tent and got my new air mattress blown up and settled in quite nicely. I sat on my camping chair which I would later break later that week more on that later. Well nobody had cell phone service except my uncle Rich who has Verizon so I guess they have service way out in the boonies! We were not able to make fire at all so we made smores on a fake fire it was fantastic. I always burn the mollow and get it flaming and then devour the competition. We had some good laughs that night and it was a pretty productive evening. We got in around 5pm so we were the last ones in on Thursday but all in all a great day! So now we come to Friday and it is a hot hot hot hot one we are in the basin and it's always hotter in the basin. I slept really well but Rich's friend Dwayne is a HUGE snorer so his kids and wife had complains I heard nothing because I was out like a light! Our breakfast consisted of delicious blueberry pancakes with real blueberries yum! Also some eggs, bacon and so much more. After breakfast I changed into my new swimsuit sprayed on the SPF 50 and headed into the water wow such a cold atmosphere but felt really good. Oz spent a lot of time in the lake swimming and cooling off because it was so damn hot in the basin! I also took a boat ride to the store at seven bays to get bags of ice and some more sunscreen. Frequent trips to the store were needed to get ice everyday and get whatever down there snacks and that sort of thing. For Lunch on Friday I don't remember what we had but I will let you know I believe it was hamburgers and chips and stuff and oh so tasty! I then proceeded to take another swim and this time I went way out there took awhile to get to the cliff or rocks and watched Dwayne jump off a couple times wow fun times! We also played card a lot of games of war were in session I won a lot of them and also a new game I learned it was called Egyptian something or another not sure the name but it was quite fun but none of us won except my cousin Brian! We also made a shade shelter and we had to move it from time time depending on where the sun was. For dinner I don't know what we had but once again it was really good! We played cards a good portion of that day and into the night we were addicted to this stuff! Oh also Dwayne my uncle Rich and myself went on a crap run to take a crap but I did not have to go but I went anyways just in case. Then we came back and yes I went into the water for more swimming I almost forgot there were two dogs also there and a cat but he stayed in the house boat! Hello Saturday another great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs etc but this time I had an onion bagel and put bacon in the middle oh so good! I would like to mention I drank tons of water and ice teas and some pops oh you gotta drink out there ya know! I went on another boat trip to the store I do believe and I came back and went into the water for some swimming action did that a lot. I believe for lunch we had some hot dogs and chips and things like that salads which I did not touch. Then I went for another swim and then I layed in the shade took a 4 hour nap while everyone else besides two others were on a boat trip going 8 or 9 miles down the lake to go on the huge slide on Lake Rosavelt but this year they did not get the permit to do it so they all had a swimming time down there. While they were gone there was a crazy windstorm that knocked down the shade tarp for a 2nd time that week and also knocked some of the kitchen shelter down which I was under but that thing is sturdy. I think I had a mild case of heat stroke or heat exhaustion so I stayed in the shade had some great water and cooled off and was quite refreshed. I slept thourgh the wind storm which was amazing in itself! I went for another swim that afternoon. We also got some slushies which were pretty dang solid! Ha also during that day on one of the boats they took down some people down to seven bays to take showers then they would call the cell phones that had service only a couple had service mine not included once they were ready. So Dwayne goes down to get them but he was gone for over half an hour so my uncle Rich gets a call on his VERIZON phone and said where you guys at and we told them so I hopped on a boat with Rich. We went to two rivers that is where I guess they ventured off too but no sign of them we circled around to the swimming area in two rivers no sight so we headed back to camp before that we saw Dwayne and he told us what he did and he headed back to camp while we went to two rivers! So Dwayne went back out there and got them after a detailed conversation on the phone. For dinner that night we had some lovely chicken and beans and chips and pops and stuff like that and boy oh boy it was really really really good! This was the 4th of July and my oh my Rich and Dwayne drank there asses off as did my uncle Russ but not as bad as these two clowns! We watched the fireworks show on the lake it was quite epic stuff legend could be told for ages about how good this show was! Dwayne Rich and my cousin Sean were drinking 100 proof Captain Morgans oh my God there was a lot of it to go around. Plus a lot of wine to drink and they freaking drank it all tapped it out dry! Wow they were really really really drunk and Dwayne and Rich were really really loud but freaking hilarious I think the whole lake could hear them we were up til 3am! We all played a game called a rock it's hard to explain on here but if you want to know I will enlighten you! Just hit me up and I will show you how it works oh great times. They were talking really loud talking out of there asses and I thought it was fantastic. I sang for them and I was amazing and they were blown away and after the song Drunken Dwayne said You must go to church! My cousin Sean kept telling my cousin Brian to stop talking shit ha ha over and over and over again and he goes you know what I'm saying and oh my god he was so tanked! There are a lot of stuff that night that happened what was said but they were so loud my aunt Robin comes out of the houseboat and says she had two pillows over her head and she could still hear us and said to calm down um that did not help matters it was a madness made in heaven. There were stories told and lots of drunkenness I did not drink but I did have a sip of what Sean was having and a couple swigs of wine which was nasty gave me a headache! They were getting a witness to biscuits and gravy and chicken fried state on there knees wow wish we got that on video! There is a lot of stuff that was said but I don't want to go into all the details these are just the highlights! Finally Sunday rolls around and my uncle Russ did not come out of the houseboat he was really hungover he had bad migraines and I think my aunt Robin and uncle Russ stayed until Monday so he can recover he was in bad shape. My cousin Sean said he wasn't hungover he felt fine then he proceeded to dry heave all over the place so he went home a little earlier that day! My uncle Rich woke up still drunk he said he likes it when he can work in his hangover the same day and he said he deserves this hangover! Oh and Dwayne I think he was hungover wow yeah but the dip in the water I guess revived them a little bit! They really got razzed Sunday morning about there antics it was fantastic. I almost forgot to mention my uncle Rich was wearing his shades out in pitch dark conditions until a couple hours later and I told him Rich you are wearing your shades and it's dark he took them off and said wow I can see wow... Oh and my uncle Russ he fell down a hill ha ha hilarious he hurt his knee I guess but it was funny! We had potatoes and sausages and all this stuff mixed up in a bowl and we had a great time and bacon and other stuff for breakfast! I went for another swim had a few swims in that day! We were packing up headed out and I had the runs because I was backed up first craps I took the whole time I was there it always happens to me when I go camping so sorry for the TMI! Ha anyways for lunch I had a couple sandwiches and trailmix and some pops and then we took the boat out to the docs at Seven Bays and loaded the boat and our stuff in the parking lot. Went to the store one last time and got some nice ice cream cones oh so good! I managed to get no sunburns on this trip yes I know shocking news over the wire! One more thing before I sign off, I bumped my head hard on the kitchen shelter tree log thing and hit it hard in this three knot log thing and wow I have 3 huge bumbs on my head it brought tears to my eyes felta bit dizzy but I am okay now but the bumbs are epic! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Jerkface VS Jello!

Hello everybody it's Oz here posting Leah's blog from last week sorry we have been out of touch just got back in town last night from the great camping trip. Leah is in BAKO and loving it and I am now just getting around to posting her blog she texted me so this is going to be great grab a tissue because you will be crying from laughing so hard! I will now be typing exactly what she has sent me lock it in people! Oh the topic is who would win a fight between Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Cosby? All right here goes... So Cosby and Seinfeld are at the bar on trivia night. They've both had a few to drink, but Seinfeld may have had a bit too much... He looks at Cosby who is eating jello, and makes a joke about Cosby's mom. Bill doesn't really approve of this. He usually like to teach some sort of moral lesson when people do thing he doesn't approve of, but at this point he decides that Seinfeld isn't sober enough to remember the lesson. He's about to pull out a pudding cup to snack on, and Seinfeld makes another crack at Cosby's mom. In Bill's opinion, that just crossed the line. He put down his pudding and took a swing at Jerry. Jerry fell over, knocking the table on the ground. Pudding was all over the place! Seinfeldpulled Cosby to the ground, and there might as well have been a steel cage, because they were fighting WWE style. They were all over the place. Fists were flying and pudding was flying! Seinfeld was too drunk to punch straight, so he kept missing. Cosby is just not a fighter, so as you can imagine, he wasn't doing too well. Suddenly Cosby remembers some moves from Theo's karate class, and decides to try them out. He does some ninja kicks and karate chops, but unfortunately for him, Jerry Seinfeld is secretly a professional kickboxer. Seinfeld busts out some crazy kicks that could decapitate a person, but he's actually still pretty intoxicated, so he mainly breaks a lot of bar furniture and kicks some holes in walls. After an hour or so of karate chops and crazy kicks, Bill is getting pretty tired, and Seinfeld is starting to sober up. Seinfeld kicks harder than ever, and gets Bill in the chest. Luckily for Cosby, one of the reasons that he was the voice of jello is because he is made of jello. Seinfeld's food went deep into Bill's chest and got stuck. When he was finally able to yank it out, he pulled so hard, it caused him to fall flat on his back and hit his head pretty hard. It knocked him out cold. Seinfeld laid out on the ground passed out like a dead man and Cosby achieved victory! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Hahaha...