Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oz Is Mr.Procrastination!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a procrastination edition of The Oz Files! Leah has decided that today's blog will be about you guessed it procrastination and some stories that oz has about his experiences with procrastination. Well the topic came about when Leah and I were texting and I had the house a mess putting off cleaning. So she instantly came up with this topic Leah and Oz both reguard procrastination as our bff's. So procrastination is putting things off til the very last minute. A lot of people do this because we are lazy americans and that is the bottom line because stone cold said so! My procrastination started when I was born. I was born few weeks late so I guess that does explain a lot doesn't it. When I was younger when I had two weeks or more to do a school project guess who waited til the last minute? A show of hands oh yes you young man Mr.Oz ohhh boy! Yes Oz always waited til the last second to do projects,homework.chores,blogs and oh so much more! The only thing I do not procrastinate about is food and sports so I'll be there boys and girls. FYI found a blog app for the G1 So we are testing this bad boy out will have to add picture after I post the blog getting on a computer. So that's procrastination in a nutshell. What are your thoughts on procrastination? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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