Friday, May 8, 2009

Bowling And The Shirts!

Hey friends it's Oz here for a bowling edition of The Oz Files! Well it's free write Friday so I am going bowling tomorrow night with Erich so it should be amazing. My topic tonight is Bowling and the bowling shirts people where to look like they got game! So bowling is a great activity for people to do and for families to enjoy. My uncle and his three kids are bowling sharks they will eat you alive. They bowl circles around people a shout out to Rich, Amanda, Brian and Justin Oens! I've learned a lot from my uncle Richard and so I now have honed my craft that I like to call Ozmosis bowling cosmopolitan Um I don't know I just made that up. Bowling is epic you got a ball you got a lane and you aim for the pins and letter rip just like the farts that come out the other end. You can be a kid and bowl because they got those bumpers they use for kids and old folks who wear flannel um yes! The way the bowling ball rolls down the alley is such an amazing sigh as you see it roll to the left or roll to the right and into the gutter! Sometimes people fall down when they are bowling if they are pushed or even if they are not pushed um yeeeah! So the hardcore bowlers they got the whole kit and caboodle. They got bowling gloves, custom made bowling shoes and of course the ever so classy bowling shirt. Bowling leagues have the bowling shirts and let me tell ya I've seen some bowling shirts that are flat out FUGLY! Wow bright orange or neon shirts with your name on it wow I think you need to head back to San Fransisco I think you will be welcomed with open arms LITERALLY! Some team names are outlandish like the Betty Boopers come on now seriously bring something fresh to the equation she's old and out dated! There are other team names that are a play on words such as spare me, spare us and my favorite that I found the Gutter Gals! Well bowling shirts are for nerds but you gotta do what you gotta do! Well this has been an amazing blog from the Wiz they call Oz. What do you think about bowling and bowling shirts? Well until next time may the Oz always be with you so long!

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